Xeomin is typically used to decrease frown lines form when facial expressions are made as the muscle under the skin contracts. Over time, as your skin ages, these repeated expressions cause lasting frown lines. Neurotoxins, such as Xeomin, are prescription medications that block the release of chemicals that cause these muscle contractions so frown lines are softened. The Remedy IV Health + Wellness of Fort Lauderdale, FL is pleased to offer Xeomin to our patients.

This facial rejuvenation treatment offers outstanding results and is used by both women and men. Xeomin is a form of botulism toxin that is used to prohibit muscle movement in areas that contribute to wrinkles. It is typically used in the forehead, between the brows to soften frown lines. Unlike filler, Xeomin only impacts muscle movement, and has no effect on filling deep wrinkles that have already formed. The same ingredients are found in Botox are used, though Xeomin is somewhat of a purer form of the toxin.


Because Xeomin leaves the complexing and accessory proteins out of the mix, it’s a good alternative for those who feel their Botox treatments ARE no longer working the way they used to. If someone were to become immune to BOTOX, it is very possible that they are becoming immune to the proteins coating the active part.  Since Xeomin does not have those extra proteins it is much less likely that the patient will develop antibodies that prohibit it from working the way it is intended to.

Many patients have also indicated that they were unable to tell the difference between a Xeomin and BOTOX treatment, but did indicate that they also experienced less of a ‘BOTOX tightness feeling’.


Xeomin is an injectable treatment that is completed at our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. If it is your first time vising us to get Xeomin, we normally complete the quick procedure within the same day as your initial consultation. You will be asked to make a few expressions so that The Remedy IV Health + Wellness professional can determine where injections are best placed. Your face will then be prepared and JEUVEAU will be injected under the skin using a fine needle followed with a cool compress to help reduce minor swelling, bruising, and/or discomfort, but it normally is not needed. Xeomin treatments usually take less than 20 minutes, after which you may get back to your usual day with no required recovery period..


After a Xeomin procedure, you would be able to return to your usual schedule, if you choose to. However, any strenuous activities like exercise should be avoided for a minimum of 24hrs. It would be best for you to sleep with your head propped up for at least one night and avoid touching your face, which can accidentally spread the Xeomin to other areas of which it was not intended. The sections of your face that were injected may become red, bruised, or swollen for a few days, but you should not have any long-lasting or serious side effects. In the majority of cases, it typically takes around one week before the final results of Xeomin become visible. Generally these results may last up to 3 months. You may speak to one of our professionals about when to make a follow-up appointment to refresh your results.



A combination of factors can cause facial lines. It’s not just about the cellular changes that may occur, or reduction of collagen, or damage caused by free radicals from the sun and the environment.



Microneedling with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is known as a “natural filler” in office treatment that may offer a more youthful appearance to the skin with minimal downtime.



Jeuveau® is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used in adults for a short period of time (temporary) to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines).



A minimally invasive treatment now makes it possible to lift and tighten skin, achieving results similar to a surgical facelift. A PDO Thread Lift leaves the face firmer, tighter, and more youthful in appearance
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.