BPC 157: The Breakdown

You’ve probably heard of the miracle healing properties of BPC 157, but not much about what it is or why it works the way it does. If you’re new to BPC 157 and its benefits, here’s a breakdown of what the peptide does and how it works in your body to benefit your health, fitness and overall well-being. Then be sure to check out our BPC 157 guide so you can learn how to use this great supplement as part of your workout routine and other healthy lifestyle habits.

What is BPC 157?
BPC 157 is a peptide, or small molecule protein fragment. BPC stands for Body Protection Compound and it’s been tested on animals for its healing effects. Specifically, BPC-157 has been proven to heal wounds by increasing TGF-β1 activity in cells that cause inflammation at a cellular level.

How Does it Work?
BPC 157 is a cell signaling peptide that’s been shown to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, among other things. It’s not exactly sure how it works, but it may interact with different cells in order to improve pain tolerance and fight inflammation. One study found that it could help those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis by reducing their abdominal pain. Another study found that BPC 157 could speed up wound healing time in rats. And yet another study suggested that BPC 157 could be used as an anti-inflammatory treatment for patients who have undergone surgery on their knee joints.

Who Should Use It?
Because of BPC-157’s versatility, it can be safely used by people with a wide range of health conditions. It is currently being researched as a treatment for muscular dystrophy and is commonly used to treat sports injuries and post-operative pain (as well as being touted as an anti-aging treatment). Plus, unlike many medications on the market today, there are no reported side effects associated with taking BPC-157.

Why Should I Take it?
BPC-157 is a popular peptide used for everything from sports to aging and many people have reported positive results. Let’s explore what BPC-157 does, why it does it, and who can benefit most from taking it. What Does It Do?: BPC-157 is thought to be an anti-inflammatory and immune system booster, as well as being able to aid in muscle growth. These claims are backed up by research that has been done on rats, but more human studies need to be done before we can say anything definitive about its effects on humans. While more research needs to be done, there are some things we do know about how it works. First of all, BPC-157 increases blood flow to injured areas of your body. By increasing blood flow, you get more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles—which means they will grow faster than they would without it. In addition to helping with muscle growth, BPC-157 may also help with joint pain caused by arthritis or other conditions like tendinitis or bursitis. If you suffer from any of these conditions, talk with your doctor about whether or not taking BPC-157 could help alleviate your symptoms while also helping you build leaner muscles at the same time!

What are the Side Effects?
Like most peptides, there are many side effects associated with BPC 157. One of these side effects is that it can cause your body to produce more white blood cells. This is a good thing for fighting infections and such but can be very dangerous in individuals who already have too many of these cells. If you experience any abnormal swelling in your joints or notice a significant drop in your red or white blood cell count, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention.

Content Writer: John Annunziata / The Remedy Health + Wellness


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