Fitness enthusiasts and athletes aren’t the only ones who can benefit from CJC 1295-Ipamorelin . This combination peptide has been shown to increase muscle mass, strengthen bones, and stimulate red blood cell production in lab tests, but what does that all mean? Let’s break it down into terms that everyone can understand!
What is CJC 1295-Ipamorelin?
So, what exactly is CJC 1295? Well, it’s a compbination peptide. (If you aren’t aware of what peptides are, check out our previous post here.) In a nutshell, it’s just a synthetic version of one of your body’s own anabolic hormones. This hormone is responsible for sending signals that encourage muscle growth. It does so by increasing protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown. Basically, it tells your muscles to grow bigger!
How does it work?
Since it’s similar in structure to GH, CJC-1295 works in essentially a similar manner. It triggers a release of somatotropin (STH), which is one of two hormones that help regulate growth and development throughout childhood. In adults, STH is primarily produced by your pituitary gland. When released into your bloodstream, it travels to your liver where it stimulates production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 then travels through your bloodstream to cells all over your body where it helps promote cell reproduction and thus new muscle growth. As you can see, CJC-1295 isn’t actually responsible for making you bigger—it just triggers your body to produce more of its own natural growth hormone. Because of its similarity to natural human GH, CJC-1295 has been shown to be effective at increasing lean mass without causing any unwanted side effects like those caused by synthetic HGH.
What should you expect from an Ipamorelin cycle?
As soon as you begin using it, you’ll notice increased energy levels and a boost in libido. Ipamorelin is an aromatase inhibitor, meaning it blocks estrogen synthesis. This can lead to higher levels of testosterone in your body—which explains why some athletes claim that their gym performance improves once they begin using it. But there are other benefits to taking Ipamorelin as well. For example, it increases growth hormone secretion by promoting pituitary cell proliferation and inhibiting somatostatin release. It also stimulates IGF-1 production and reduces cortisol levels. And these aren’t even all of its effects! It also has anti-catabolic properties, which means it prevents muscle breakdown. In short, if you want to build muscle mass quickly and efficiently, then Ipamorelin might be for you.