
So I was recommended for ketamine therapy for depression trauma and drug induced psychosis. After one month of treatment the voices in my head reduced by 90 percent!!
Paradigm Policy

Ketamine infusions save my daughter. It is a wonderful treatment. Find a good doctor and give it a try. Makes me sad so many refuse to look into as its soo beneficial.

Please! Approve ketamine for treatment of drug-resistant chronic depression. When I tried ketamine for the first time I knew that this is the cure for depression, 1 dose monthly would be enough for treatment, in my opinion. My first time with ketamine was life-changing, for the first time I felt normal and not being debilitated by depression and anxiety disorders. And it relieved my depression for weeks, FOR WEEKS, after a single dose. Ketamine for treatment of drug-resistant chronic depression, please!

I had my 3rd infusion today. Absolutely life changing. 25 years I've been in the dark underneath the depression, and I'm finally back and it feels amazing. Like discovering myself all over again.
Amy Burgess

I had my 3rd infusion today. Absolutely life changing. 25 years I've been in the dark underneath the depression, and I'm finally back and it feels amazing. Like discovering myself all over again.

I've lost almost 35 pounds in 2 months with very few side affects on semiglutide. It's changing my life for the "so much better"!
Charlotte Knutsen

To all my type 1 diabetics out there carrying extra weight this IS SAFE for us to take. My endo prescribed it to me for some appetite control and weight loss. It's only week two but I've already dropped 2 kilos. My hunger is curbed. I am on insulin INJECTIONS not a pump so it is very hard for me to maintain tight control.
Doc Bainl

20+ lbs lost since early January, an A1C improvement from 8.9 to 6.5 and no real hunger pains or overeating probs. As someone who has struggled all my life with weight and eating issues.
Victor Smith

I've been on this medication for about 9 months now and I've lost 44 lbs and my A1C went from 9.8 to 5.8 as of last week. My whole lifestyle has changed for the better!! I'm happier now than I've been in many years!!!
Julie O'Kelley-Sewell

Started December 15th and by May 1st I've lost 42lbs. I was 240lbs and now I'm 198 while standing 6 feet tall. Went from being obese to looking fit. Granted I was eating healthy and exercising hard throughout the journey. FDA to approve this medicine for obesity sometime next year at a different dose.


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